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Structure and Reactions of Aquatic Humic Substances

Structure and Reactions of Aquatic Humic Substances
type: Lecture
chair: Water Chemistry and Water Technology
semester: SS

see German page


see German page


G. Abbt-Braun

sws: 1
lv-no.: 22615

Important Dates

Due to the actual Corona-crisis we cannot give fixed dates and rooms for the lectures and exams in the summer term 2020. Please visit regularly our homepage: https://wasserchemie.ebi.kit.edu/289.php and https://wasserchemie.ebi.kit.edu/518.php. You will also find further informations on http://www.kit.edu/kit/25911.php and http://www.ciw.kit.edu/2036.php


  • For further information please have a look at the German page!


...contents will follow soon