Due to the actual Corona-crisis we cannot give fixed dates and rooms for the lectures and exams in the summer term 2020. Please visit regularly our homepage: https://wasserchemie.ebi.kit.edu/289.php and https://wasserchemie.ebi.kit.edu/518.php. You will also find further informations on http://www.kit.edu/kit/25911.php and http://www.ciw.kit.edu/2036.php
The Lecture '22601 Chemical Technology of Water' and the exercises '22602 Exercises for 22601' are discontinued, exams will still be offered. Furthermore, Lecture '22608 Process Engineering in Water Treatment', and exercise '22610 Exercises for the Lecture 22608' are provided in English since the winter semester 2016/2017. The previous courses are replaced by the lecture '22621 Water Technology' and '22622 excercises to 22621'.
Informations on special subject "Water Quality and Process Engineering of Water / Waste Water Treatment"
Informations on major subject "Environmental Process Engineering "
Informations on major subject "Water Technology "